Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Girls and such

Everywhere I look I see couples. In class, at the gym, at the caf (cafeteria), everywhere! It seems like today's youth are so infatuated with having a girlfriend of boyfriend that they feel inferior, or lacking, if they don't have one.
I see this all the time at college. So many people here at college are dating just to "have a good time." They date, but do not realize that the relationship they develop will impact them for the rest of their lives.
You see when you date someone just to "have a good time" chances are that relationship will not last and you will part ways. All those times that you told that person "I love you" are meaningless, all the emotions and feelings that you two had for each other are now shattered. Now, when you go your separate ways, you will always have a piece of the other person with you. You will forever bear those scars where you promised each other forever, but never came through on that promises.
For example, imagine your wedding day. Your at the chapel, you have been planning months for this moment and as your spouse walks down the isle radiating joy and love, you have every person you ever dated next to you ready to receive him or her.
It sounds crazy, but that's what happens when you date just to date. You are giving a little piece of yourself to that person, and you can never get it back.
I think this is why it is so important to get to know the girls around you and develop sincere friendships, excecially when you are as young as I am. 
Ok, I feel like I'm rambling, so I'll cut it short. What do you think?

Monday, March 28, 2011


Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've had a ton going on lately. I am working on a new post though, so be expecting that any day.

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Commission

Well it's decided, Ben and I are moving to the fourth floor (along with 4 other guys) next semester as part of Campus Outreach's dorm ministry. What's the big deal you ask? Well , we are on the third floor right now, aka "The Good Floor Where Nothing Goes On." The fourth floor is considered "The Bad Floor." It's the floor where all the drugs, alcohol, and other stuff goes down. As of now, there are only one or two Christians that we know of on the fourth  floor that are willing to actually go out of their way to witness and form relationships with the guys up there. By moving up to the fourth floor, we hope to get a Christian community start as well as save souls and make disciples.
To be honest, I really don't like the idea of witnessing to a bunch of hammered guys, but I want to because Christ's loved me first and I MUST reciprocate that love. If talking to drunk dudes is what is takes to win souls, I'm willing to.
Just pray that God would give Ben, me and the other guys going the strength to stand for Jesus and be Christ-like examples on the fourth floor. Also, pray that we will be able to make friends and start a good Christian community. One of my fears is that I won't be able to relate with many of the people, so pray that the lost would see Jesus in me, and that they would be attracted to what I have through Christ. 
"All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age."                Matt 28:19-20
God has called us to be different, lets live like it.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Dear Girl

Well, the comments I received all wanted the same thing; poetry. Here's a little something.

Dear girl,
I do not love you yet, but for you my heart beats
I do not know you yet, but someday I will when we meet
I have not seen you yet, but these steady eyes will not roam
I cannot hear you yet, but these ears moan for the sound of you and you alone
Delight of my life!
Can you fathom forever?
To be tethered to the one with whom you weather all of life's storms?
To be loved with a love both tender and warm?
Oh love,
I admit, I cannot
These feelings I will have
Too hard to fathom
A love like this?
It is an endless chasm!
Locked in the vast reaches of my mind
Seeming to be there forever confined
Kept safe till that day where I will say "I do"
That magical moment, those life changing words
Mr. and Mrs. Dooley's wedding day debut
But till then I haven't a clue!
Not a single idea of this love that is new
How to fully direct my passion towards you
How to truly love the one He has called me to
Yes, this locked vault
This mind that is crude
Will hold these feelings for you and only for you
Just remember hold the key.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hear goes nothing...

I was lying in bed last night and I had this idea. I am going to write a post totally based on what my reader want me to speak about. I really don't know how many people are following this, but I think it would be pretty cool if the people that were reading my blog came up with my post topics.
Ok, here's how it'll go. Post a comment to this post and I'll randomly pick one to write about.
I really don't know how this is going to turn out but I wanna give it a try.
Ask away!