Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Girls and such

Everywhere I look I see couples. In class, at the gym, at the caf (cafeteria), everywhere! It seems like today's youth are so infatuated with having a girlfriend of boyfriend that they feel inferior, or lacking, if they don't have one.
I see this all the time at college. So many people here at college are dating just to "have a good time." They date, but do not realize that the relationship they develop will impact them for the rest of their lives.
You see when you date someone just to "have a good time" chances are that relationship will not last and you will part ways. All those times that you told that person "I love you" are meaningless, all the emotions and feelings that you two had for each other are now shattered. Now, when you go your separate ways, you will always have a piece of the other person with you. You will forever bear those scars where you promised each other forever, but never came through on that promises.
For example, imagine your wedding day. Your at the chapel, you have been planning months for this moment and as your spouse walks down the isle radiating joy and love, you have every person you ever dated next to you ready to receive him or her.
It sounds crazy, but that's what happens when you date just to date. You are giving a little piece of yourself to that person, and you can never get it back.
I think this is why it is so important to get to know the girls around you and develop sincere friendships, excecially when you are as young as I am. 
Ok, I feel like I'm rambling, so I'll cut it short. What do you think?


  1. Haha. You weren't rambling, but I understand the fear! :)

    This is a really great post. I don't think this is stressed often enough, and I often wish it was something I had payed closer attention to in my life. And seriously, I believe that this just doesn't apply to dating, but even "crushes" or whatever (although, that might be more of a girl problem - idk). I know from experience that even a crush can leave me feeling a little broken or empty. But they are so hard to avoid - proof that the only way to keep our hearts whole and pure is to give them to God - completely. But yes yes yes! FRIENDSHIPS ARE AMAZING! One of my closest friends is a guy...and thats the way it should be. Friends only, until you're ready...which is when God says you are. Lol.

    WOW! I just posted to your post. My bad. You weren't rambling...but I was...

  2. Hey bro! I love your blog btw!

    Here is a girl's perspective: When I sweet guy gives you attention and acts like he cares SO much about you, the first thing to assume is, "Holy poop! He's the one!" But in reality, it's just your emotions talking you into it. Often times, girls dont stop to think, "Is he that serious? I that serious?"

    I think society expects people our age to be with someone and to "have fun." That's the saddest thing in the world...but its the truth. It makes it hard to embrace the joy of singleness, when everyone around you thinks it's weird.

    One thing that I found helpful with Brian is asking myself...."Am I willing to wait for this person? Would I give my life for him? Will I be able to control my desires and wait on God's timing?" If any of those answers are "no" then why would I try to get in the way of the Lord's plan by playing around? There will never be true happiness. That's why I'm able to live 6 hours away from Brian. It's real. Not just for fun. It's hard. I've screwed up in areas, but it's worth fixing and doing right.

    As Christians, we should pray, wait, and trust in the Lord. Everything else is secondary! Christ knows what is best for us. We have to trust Him and stop trying to be God! Also, I think we should share this with the people we know and let them know it's worth it.

    As far as friendships! WOW! What would I do without them? Two of my best friends are guys and they have always been there for me. It's great! And the Lord can really use those relationships to help shape you and teach you things. I think they are great and I believe the Lord will bless those brother-sister relationships!

    You guys think YOU rambled? *points to screen and smirks*
